Lane Wallace is presently an independent solar project developer and renewable energy/energy efficiency consultant, and works on various projects to encourage energy efficiency and clean energy for residential and commercial real estate development. Formerly, she served as an energy consultant for Solarize Salisbury-Rowan, a joint initiative of SmartPower and the Center for the Environment - and continues today to serve as an advisor for the Center for the Environment. Prior to Solarize, Lane interned with Rocky Mountain Institute, and was a renewable energy consultant with Sundance Power Systems. In her work and studies, she has conducted extensive energy efficiency studies and framed renewable generation options for leading corporations and retail chains, including Lowes, McDonalds, REI, and Disney.
Wallace holds a joint B.S. degree in business administration and a B.A. in public policy analysis from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; as well as a Masters in Environmental Management - concentrating on energy and the environment - from the Nicholas School for the Environment at Duke University. While as Duke, she simultaneously completed her certification in Sustainable Systems Analysis and conducted numerous projects for public and private companies and institutions.